Thursday, December 25, 2008

Do you have a promo code?

When buying online, you should ALWAYS search for a "promo code". Some sites call it a "promotional code" and others refer to it as a "coupon code", but they all add up to the same result for you - HUGE SAVINGS. There is a catch, not every site will be offering a discount when you buy. However, let's assume that you make 10 online purchases a year, spending an average of $100 each time. If you can find 10% off codes for half of those purchases, you'll save $50 a year. That's not too shabby for a few extra minutes of work.

If the code exists, finding it is simple. Let's say you can't wait to get a steal on that sexy new sweater vest from GAP. Simply visit Google, Yahoo or your favorite search engine and type in "gap promo code" or "gap coupon code". The search results will show tons of websites with names like,, - you get the point. Work your way down the list and see which has a current offer to save you money or get you free shipping. You'll quickly see there is a lot of repetition. Some sites display the promo code directly and you simply enter it when you complete the purchase online (or occasionally it also works for in-store purchase). However, it's more common that the site will direct you to GAP via a link, which is perfectly OK . In this scenario, clicking the link will take you to GAP and the deduction should automatically be taken when you checkout. GAP will pay a small referral fee to the coupon website - a win win situation for all.

Although coupon codes are not as common for travel, it never hurts to search for one when completing any online transaction. Now that the post Christmas sales are in full force, tis the season for online savings.

Next up: Do you use a financial adviser? Some basic steps that could help save you from the next Bernie Madoff.

1 comment:

  1. I don't take the time to look for promo codes but after reading this I will be sure to spend that extra few minutes to look for one.
