Friday, February 6, 2009

Rescue your New Year's resolutions. Black lights, dance beats and hot chicks (or dudes) in spandex will do the trick.

In these belt tightening times, perhaps you should cinch yours up a few notches. It's early February and McDonald's just released record earnings. This likely means that all your New Year's resolutions of health and fitness have long been chewed up with your Big Mac and swallowed away with a chocolate shake. Have no fear, The Vigilant Consumer is here to help resuscitate those lofty goals. I've caught on to an exercise phenomenon that is sure to rock your world - it's a mashup that's sure to rival the beauty of chocolate and peanut butter.

Combine the thrills of a hot nightclub with the heart thumping energy of an intense workout and there you have it, spin class (a form of high-intensity exercise using a stationary exercise bicycle). It's no surprise that most people join a gym and never go. Who wants to stand around in a stuffy room packed with meatheads? Not only will spin class provide the most gym value for your dollar, but it will also quench your thirst to go clubbing 7 nights a week. Allow me to explain:

  • Think of the spin studio as the dance club itself. You enter and the lights are dim - everyone always looks better under the soothing hue of a black light.
  • Just like a club, the class is chock full of hot chicks (or dudes). More importantly, they are likely in better shape then the average club kid, and they probably look more attractive in spandex. And, just like when clubbing, you still won't end up talking to any of them.
  • The bike is your safety blanket. You won't need to bust out your awkward dance moves, but you'll still break into a sweat. If you are determined to learn some new dance moves, click here or watch the video below.
  • You'll still get to enjoy your favorite mind blaring dance beats while sipping a dreadful tasting energy drink. The only difference is the drink won't be mixed with vodka.
  • From The Vigilant Consumer perspective, you're getting your money's worth. Not only are you using the gym's equipment, but they also have to pay for those instructors.
  • OK, maybe the spin studio will be missing one thing - glow sticks.

This plan spells success. Gone will be the late nights of clubbing where you end up dropping $100 or more on booze and late night eats. Less than one night's savings will fund your monthly gym membership, you'll be back on track to a healthy year and you may even have to buy a smaller belt.

UPDATE: Apparently I forgot to detail all of spinning's cardiovascular benefits in the original post. If burning 400-600 calories is not enough proof for you, check this out. Right after writing this post I went to a spin class, and one row in front of me was Bob Harper, the hardcore trainer from NBC's "The Biggest Loser".

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