Thursday, February 12, 2009

Shrinkage! Get out of the pool and lower your cellphone bill.

With Senator Judd Gregg withdrawing himself from consideration, perhaps President Obama should nominate Ronald McDonald or Walmart's unemployed Smiley character as the next Commerce Secretary. After all, McDonald's and Walmart seem to be the only companies that are still thriving in this economic debacle that we are enduring (even Coca Cola's profits are down). At least there'd be some tasy fries at the cabinent meetings. In a previous posting I discussed how to tighten the physical belt - today let's tighten the metaphorical one.

Ahh, remember the glory years of the Seinfeld era? Back in those days, shrinkage led to embarrassment (see video above). Today shrinkage should be celebrated, especially when it refers to your shriveling cellphone bills. Does The Vigilant Consumer have a tip on how you can easily determine whether these reductions are in your future? You betcha. aims to analyze your mobile usage in order to determine the most cost-effective plan. Once you provide info on voice minutes, data and text usage, they'll spit out recommendations on which carriers and plans you should consider. Keep in mind, however, if you are an iPhone junky - you are still tied to AT&T in the US. BillShrink predicts the carriers' projected signal strength in your zip, but be sure to check with friends and coworkers if you are switching to a new carrier - you don't want to become the victim of a dead-zone. If this site doesn't do the trick for you (and you are no longer under contract), try the old fashioned way. Call up your carrier and immediately ask for the cancellations department. Chances are, they'll be willing to throw some freebies your way.

Can you hear me now?

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