Thursday, April 1, 2010

What happened to The Vigilant Consumer?

UPDATE: HAPPY APRIL FOOL'S! I do plan to write more.  Perhaps once a week rather than once a year.

Did the economy improve to the point that it was no longer necessary for us to practice the art of proactive consumerism? Balderdash.

Did Madoff’s relocation to a federal penitentiary result in the spontaneous evaporation of all comedic material? C’mon now. With Blago (aka Former Governor Rod Blagojevich) on The Celebrity Apprentice, jokes have never been easier to come by.

Did I jump on the OpenTable IPO bandwagon, make millions, befriend Richard Branson and retire to Necker Island? Wishful thinking.

No, you have it all wrong. Unfortunately, work (the type that pays the bills) took over, making it impossible for this one man show to continue.  Hence, the long hiatus – it has been 363 days since my last posting.

I am resurfacing now for two reasons. First, I’d like to apologize to my readers for abandoning them without any explanation. Second, I’d like to share some very exciting news. Over the course of the last year, the interwebs worked their magic and my musings were recognized by a prominent executive at one of the world’s largest and most powerful web portals (hmm, I’m thirsty for a Yoo-Hoo). This individual felt that The Vigilant Consumer had some great tips for everyday folks that were dealing with the turbulent economy, and he appreciated that they were presented in a unique, lighthearted fashion.

This media giant (anyone know what happened to Yahoo Serious) made me an offer I could not refuse.  As a result, I am ecstatic that The Vigilant Consumer will live on! The details have not all been worked out, but stay tuned for more info and fantastic updates.

-The Vigilant Consumer


  1. Who loves you, baby?

    I realize that we've not been hanging out this past year, but you're now totally my best friend again.
