Friday, January 16, 2009

The Blog vs. Blago: A Tale of the Tape

Illinois Governor, Rod Blagojevich, BlagoAre you entering the blogosphere for the first time? Welcome to this world of creative chaos. I'm honored that you landed on The Vigilant Consumer and am thrilled to be your guide as you embark on this journey. All of the newbies are likely experiencing simultaneous emotions - confusion and excitement. Why does someone write a blog? How do I know when you blog? How do I spread the gospel of the the Vigilant Consumer?

There is no better way to break this all down than through a Tale of the Tape: The Blog (aka The Vigilant Consumer) vs. Blago (aka Governor Rod Blagojevich)

The Blog is written in California (land of the Governator) while Blago is in Illinois (where he is Da Govenah).
Did the folks at SNL really miss this opportunity to bring back Bill Swerski's Super Fans? (click to see video)

The Blog tries to fight against BS while Blago is full of BS.
That's right, keep reading The Vigilant Consumer to learn the art of proactive consumerism. Protect yourself, save time and get more for your money.

The Blog gets updated and you may have no idea. Blago burps and every major news channel jumps.
You can change this. Simply visit and enter your email address in the box on the middle right of the page. Then you'll get each new story sent to you hot off the press.

The Blog actually has to spend some time writing while Blago has diarrhea of the mouth.
Unfortunately, the blog is a one-man, part-time operation. If you just can't get enough, make sure you've read all of the previous posts - they don't expire. To do this, either:
The Blog loves friends and feedback while Blago can't get a single Chicagoan to join him for an Italian beef (even if he were buying).
Here are some ways you can show some love to The Vigilant Consumer.
  • Leave comments if you like a posting or have something to share with other readers. To do this, just click on the word "comments" at the bottom of the related posting and write away.
  • Join The Vigilant Consumer on Facebook. Simply click here and then "Become a Fan" to help spread the word. Then you can start or join discussions with other fans.
  • Email The Vigilant Consumer at with ideas for stories.
The Blog saves you money while Blago just wants to make money (for himself).
It is important for me to note that there are advertisements on the blog, and they are always between the postings. They are contextually based, meaning that some sharp computer matches the ads to fit the words I write. These ads constantly change, and The Vigilant Consumer does not necessarily support, endorse or use any of the advertised services/companies.

Blago has some great hair. The Blog just can't compare.


  1. Ditka vs. a Hurricane, who would win?


  2. Ditka, unless the hurricane is named Ditka. The real question was Ditka vs. god. I believe the answer was Ditka is god.
