Wednesday, January 28, 2009

To all BlackBerry users suffering iPhone envy. Download the Wall Street Journal Mobile Reader and see why it gets 3 Thumbs Up.

I love news. Business, technology, political, food, sports and travel - I read it all. How do you think I come up with all the crazy stuff I write about in The Vigilant Consumer? Now, more than ever, I have become obsessed with the influx of stories about the economic downturn, corporate bankruptcies, failed bailouts, financial fraud, mass layoffs, Blagojevich, Madoff, etc. - you get the point. Perhaps I'm a glutton for punishment. Most people would say, "Calgon, take me away." If you're like me, however, you eschew the temptation of a relaxing bath infused with sodium hexametaphosphate and start reading the next article.

All of my fellow news junkies with BlackBerry mobile devices must check out the Wall Street Journal Mobile Reader. This nifty mobile application is certainly worthy of 3 Thumbs Up on theVC Scale of Love. It is free, extremely easy to use, not available on the iPhone and packed with the following features:
  • Premium content for free - Access most of the Wall Street Journal on your mobile. This depth of content isn't even available unless you are a subscriber. Plus, customize the settings so you only will see stories from categories that you find interesting.
  • Stories beyond the Wall Street Journal - That's right, you can use this application to get all your favorite blogs or RSS feeds (don't worry about the fancy words) delivered straight to your phone. Now you can read The Vigilant Consumer when governing the kingdom from your porcelain throne!
  • Stock updates - Get almost real time stock quotes so you can follow your personal portfolio or track those new-found buying opportunities. Who really wants to follow their portfolio that closely? Did you forget? I am a masochist.
  • Sharing - Want to share the pain with a friend? It's easy to email the story to someone from your address book, bookmark it with Delicious or post it to Facebook.

If you are new to the world of "mobile applications", do not fear. Downloading this to your phone is about 10x easier than setting the clock on your VCR (and if you're too young to even know what a VCR is, you were probably downloading mobile apps at birth). All you have to do is click here, enter your email address (the one you access on your mobile) and open the email from your BlackBerry. The rest is a piece a cake.

If you were a CrackBerry addict before, you'll certainly need an intervention now. After all, you probably just missed another Madoff or Blagojevich inspired headline.

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