Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I hate email spam... and I'm also not partial to the meat byproduct after which it is named.

There is nothing more frustrating than filtering through hundreds of unsolicited messages to unearth the few legitimate ones. It looks like Tom Dickson and the folks at BlendTec hate spam just as much as I do. Check out the video to see, "Will it blend?"

How many "Nigerian Scam" or "Penile Enlargement" emails do unsuspecting victims really open, and then, do they really reply? The spammers are sophisticated, and the cost to send email is minimal, so these messages will continue as long as people fall into the trap.

In a previous post I mentioned the potential benefits of subscribing to email newsletters. The sale notifications and special coupon codes are just too good to pass up. However, I NEVER use my primary email address when registering. In fact, I never use or share my primary email address unless I am communicating with someone I know or someone I trust who will not use it for inappropriate purposes.

Therefore, it's a good thing the solution is simple, and more importantly, free. Simply sign up for a free secondary email account with Google Gmail (click here), YAHOO! Mail (click here) or Microsoft Hotmail (click here). I've used them all and am definitely partial to Gmail (by the way, you can always reach me directly with questions, comments or story ideas at Don't take it from me. Since they are free, give all of the services a try. Notice that I don't recommend you use one of the free email services from your Internet Service Provider (ISP). The reason is simple - if you ever switch ISPs because you move or find a cheaper provider, your old ISP provided email account will likely disappear.

Next up: One example why the newspaper industry is dying a fast death.

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