Friday, January 30, 2009

A January recap:Tips and tricks to protect yourself, save time and get the most for your money.

January was an quite exciting month. After donning The Vigilant Consumer costume for the first time, I embarked on a journey, spreading the art of proactive consumerism - teaching people to protect themselves, save time and get more for their money. Along the way, I managed to give "The Finger" to BernieMadoff and sit down for a free lunch (which tasted much better than spam) courtesy of OpenTable. When my beloved Chargers lost in the playoffs, I turned up the free, feelgood tunes on my iPod touch (courtesy of Pandora) and drowned my sorrows in some eCommerce , trying to make a dent in the pile of gift cards I received during the holidays. Did I search for promo codes before buying? You betcha... especially since I need to save money after learning that The Governator might be sending me an IOU rather than tax refund this year.

If that read like complete gibberish, then you clearly have not been reading enough of The Vigilant Consumer. Now that Blagojevich will no longer make headlines that consume your each waking hour (I am sure I'll be eating those words), why not spend that freed up time indulging yourself in some more of what I'm throwing down. To make it easy for you to navigate the previous postings, I put links below. Don't worry, just like rollover minutes, they don't expire. Plus new ones are on the way!
If the opening paragraph strangely made sense to you, however, then you are one of the 600 loyal readers that has inspired me to keep this journey going. Please continue sending me feedback and story ideas at More importantly, spread the word to all your friends, family, colleagues, acquaintances and exes who might enjoy the blog. Are you a recluse, or like Madoff , do you no longer have friends? You can still help the cause. At the end of each posting you'll notice a little green icon with a less than symbol and the words "share this". Simply click this link and click either the "Reddit" or "Digg" service to tell the masses about The Vigilant Consumer. After a quick registration process (it just takes a few minutes), it'll only take a few seconds each time you want to help promote The Vigilant Consumer.

Check out the links to January's stories below.

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